/*! Copyright (c) 2011 Brandon Aaron (http://brandonaaron.net) * Licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt). * * Thanks to: http://adomas.org/javascript-mouse-wheel/ for some pointers. * Thanks to: Mathias Bank(http://www.mathias-bank.de) for a scope bug fix. * Thanks to: Seamus Leahy for adding deltaX and deltaY * * Version: 3.0.6 * * Requires: 1.2.2+ */ (function($) { var types = ['DOMMouseScroll', 'mousewheel']; if ($.event.fixHooks) { for ( var i=types.length; i; ) { $.event.fixHooks[ types[--i] ] = $.event.mouseHooks; } } $.event.special.mousewheel = { setup: function() { if ( this.addEventListener ) { for ( var i=types.length; i; ) { this.addEventListener( types[--i], handler, false ); } } else { this.onmousewheel = handler; } }, teardown: function() { if ( this.removeEventListener ) { for ( var i=types.length; i; ) { this.removeEventListener( types[--i], handler, false ); } } else { this.onmousewheel = null; } } }; $.fn.extend({ mousewheel: function(fn) { return fn ? this.bind("mousewheel", fn) : this.trigger("mousewheel"); }, unmousewheel: function(fn) { return this.unbind("mousewheel", fn); } }); function handler(event) { var orgEvent = event || window.event, args = [].slice.call( arguments, 1 ), delta = 0, returnValue = true, deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0; event = $.event.fix(orgEvent); event.type = "mousewheel"; // Old school scrollwheel delta if ( orgEvent.wheelDelta ) { delta = orgEvent.wheelDelta/120; } if ( orgEvent.detail ) { delta = -orgEvent.detail/3; } // New school multidimensional scroll (touchpads) deltas deltaY = delta; // Gecko if ( orgEvent.axis !== undefined && orgEvent.axis === orgEvent.HORIZONTAL_AXIS ) { deltaY = 0; deltaX = -1*delta; } // Webkit if ( orgEvent.wheelDeltaY !== undefined ) { deltaY = orgEvent.wheelDeltaY/120; } if ( orgEvent.wheelDeltaX !== undefined ) { deltaX = -1*orgEvent.wheelDeltaX/120; } // Add event and delta to the front of the arguments args.unshift(event, delta, deltaX, deltaY); return ($.event.dispatch || $.event.handle).apply(this, args); } })(jQuery); /** * @version 2.0 * @package jquery * @subpackage lofslidernews * @copyright Copyright (C) JAN 2010 LandOfCoder.com <@emai:landofcoder@gmail.com>. All rights reserved. * @website http://landofcoder.com * @license This plugin is dual-licensed under the GNU General Public License and the MIT License */ // JavaScript Document (function($) { $.fn.lofJSidernews = function( settings ) { return this.each(function() { // get instance of the lofSiderNew. new $.lofSidernews( this, settings ); }); } $.lofSidernews = function( obj, settings ){ this.settings = { direction : '', mainItemSelector : 'li', navInnerSelector : 'ul', navSelector : 'li' , navigatorEvent : 'click'/* click|mouseenter */, wapperSelector: '.sliders-wrap-inner', interval : 5000, auto : false, // whether to automatic play the slideshow maxItemDisplay : 3, startItem : 0, navPosition : 'vertical',/* values: horizontal|vertical*/ navigatorHeight : 100, navigatorWidth : 310, duration : 600, navItemsSelector : '.navigator-wrap-inner li', navOuterSelector : '.navigator-wrapper' , isPreloaded : true, easing : 'easeInOutQuad', onPlaySlider:function(obj, slider){}, onComplete:function(slider, index){ } } $.extend( this.settings, settings ||{} ); this.nextNo = null; this.previousNo = null; this.maxWidth = this.settings.mainWidth || 684; this.wrapper = $( obj ).find( this.settings.wapperSelector ); var wrapOuter = $('
').width( this.maxWidth ); this.wrapper.wrap( wrapOuter ); this.slides = this.wrapper.find( this.settings.mainItemSelector ); if( !this.wrapper.length || !this.slides.length ) return ; // set width of wapper if( this.settings.maxItemDisplay > this.slides.length ){ this.settings.maxItemDisplay = this.slides.length; } this.currentNo = isNaN(this.settings.startItem)||this.settings.startItem > this.slides.length?0:this.settings.startItem; this.navigatorOuter = $( obj ).find( this.settings.navOuterSelector ); this.navigatorItems = $( obj ).find( this.settings.navItemsSelector ) ; this.navigatorInner = this.navigatorOuter.find( this.settings.navInnerSelector ); // if use automactic calculate width of navigator if( this.settings.navigatorHeight == null || this.settings.navigatorWidth == null ){ this.settings.navigatorHeight = this.navigatorItems.eq(0).outerWidth(true); this.settings.navigatorWidth = this.navigatorItems.eq(0).outerHeight(true); } if( this.settings.navPosition == 'horizontal' ){ this.navigatorInner.width( this.slides.length * this.settings.navigatorWidth ); this.navigatorOuter.width( this.settings.maxItemDisplay * this.settings.navigatorWidth ); this.navigatorOuter.height( this.settings.navigatorHeight ); } else { this.navigatorInner.height( this.slides.length * this.settings.navigatorHeight ); this.navigatorOuter.height( this.settings.maxItemDisplay * this.settings.navigatorHeight ); this.navigatorOuter.width( this.settings.navigatorWidth ); } this.slides.width( this.settings.mainWidth ); this.navigratorStep = this.__getPositionMode( this.settings.navPosition ); this.directionMode = this.__getDirectionMode(); if( this.settings.direction == 'opacity') { this.wrapper.addClass( 'lof-opacity' ); $(this.slides).css({'opacity':0,'z-index':1}).eq(this.currentNo).css({'opacity':1,'z-index':3}); } else { this.wrapper.css({'left':'-'+this.currentNo*this.maxSize+'px', 'width':( this.maxWidth ) * this.slides.length } ); } if( this.settings.isPreloaded ) { this.preLoadImage( this.onComplete ); } else { this.onComplete(); } $buttonControl = $( ".button-control", obj); if( this.settings.auto ){ $buttonControl.addClass("action-stop"); } else { $buttonControl.addClass("action-start"); } var self = this; $( obj ).hover(function(){ self.stop(); $buttonControl.addClass("action-start").removeClass("action-stop").addClass("hover-stop"); }, function(){ if( $buttonControl.hasClass("hover-stop") ){ if( self.settings.auto ){ $buttonControl.removeClass("action-start").removeClass("hover-stop").addClass("action-stop"); self.play( self.settings.interval,'next', true ); } } } ); $buttonControl.click( function() { if( $buttonControl.hasClass("action-start") ){ self.settings.auto =true; self.play( self.settings.interval,'next', true ); $buttonControl.removeClass("action-start").addClass("action-stop"); } else{ self.settings.auto =false; self.stop(); $buttonControl.addClass("action-start").removeClass("action-stop"); } } ); } $.lofSidernews.fn = $.lofSidernews.prototype; $.lofSidernews.fn.extend = $.lofSidernews.extend = $.extend; $.lofSidernews.fn.extend({ startUp:function( obj, wrapper ) { seft = this; this.navigatorItems.each( function(index, item ){ $(item).bind( seft.settings.navigatorEvent,( function(){ seft.jumping( index, true ); seft.setNavActive( index, item ); } )); $(item).css( {'height': seft.settings.navigatorHeight, 'width': seft.settings.navigatorWidth} ); }) this.registerWheelHandler( this.navigatorOuter, this ); this.setNavActive( this.currentNo ); this.settings.onComplete( this.slides.eq(this.currentNo ),this.currentNo ); if( this.settings.buttons && typeof (this.settings.buttons) == "object" ){ this.registerButtonsControl( 'click', this.settings.buttons, this ); } if( this.settings.auto ) this.play( this.settings.interval,'next', true ); return this; }, onComplete:function(){ setTimeout( function(){ $('.preload').fadeOut( 900, function(){ $('.preload').remove(); } ); }, 400 ); this.startUp( ); }, preLoadImage:function( callback ){ var self = this; var images = this.wrapper.find( 'img' ); var count = 0; images.each( function(index,image){ if( !image.complete ){ image.onload =function(){ count++; if( count >= images.length ){ self.onComplete(); } } image.onerror =function(){ count++; if( count >= images.length ){ self.onComplete(); } } }else { count++; if( count >= images.length ){ self.onComplete(); } } } ); }, navivationAnimate:function( currentIndex ) { if (currentIndex <= this.settings.startItem || currentIndex - this.settings.startItem >= this.settings.maxItemDisplay-1) { this.settings.startItem = currentIndex - this.settings.maxItemDisplay+2; if (this.settings.startItem < 0) this.settings.startItem = 0; if (this.settings.startItem >this.slides.length-this.settings.maxItemDisplay) { this.settings.startItem = this.slides.length-this.settings.maxItemDisplay; } } this.navigatorInner.stop().animate( eval('({'+this.navigratorStep[0]+':-'+this.settings.startItem*this.navigratorStep[1]+'})'), {duration:500, easing:'easeInOutQuad'} ); }, setNavActive:function( index, item ){ if( (this.navigatorItems) ){ this.navigatorItems.removeClass( 'active' ); $(this.navigatorItems.get(index)).addClass( 'active' ); this.navivationAnimate( this.currentNo ); } }, __getPositionMode:function( position ){ if( position == 'horizontal' ){ return ['left', this.settings.navigatorWidth]; } return ['top', this.settings.navigatorHeight]; }, __getDirectionMode:function(){ switch( this.settings.direction ){ case 'opacity': this.maxSize=0; return ['opacity','opacity']; default: this.maxSize=this.maxWidth; return ['left','width']; } }, registerWheelHandler:function( element, obj ){ element.bind('mousewheel', function(event, delta ) { var dir = delta > 0 ? 'Up' : 'Down', vel = Math.abs(delta); if( delta > 0 ){ obj.previous( true ); } else { obj.next( true ); } return false; }); }, registerButtonsControl:function( eventHandler, objects, self ){ for( var action in objects ){ switch (action.toString() ){ case 'next': objects[action].click( function() { self.next( true) } ); break; case 'previous': objects[action].click( function() { self.previous( true) } ); break; } } return this; }, onProcessing:function( manual, start, end ){ this.previousNo = this.currentNo + (this.currentNo>0 ? -1 : this.slides.length-1); this.nextNo = this.currentNo + (this.currentNo < this.slides.length-1 ? 1 : 1- this.slides.length); return this; }, finishFx:function( manual ){ if( manual ) this.stop(); if( manual && this.settings.auto ){ this.play( this.settings.interval,'next', true ); } this.setNavActive( this.currentNo ); this.settings.onPlaySlider( this, $(this.slides).eq(this.currentNo) ); }, getObjectDirection:function( start, end ){ return eval("({'"+this.directionMode[0]+"':-"+(this.currentNo*start)+"})"); }, fxStart:function( index, obj, currentObj ){ var s = this; if( this.settings.direction == 'opacity' ) { $(this.slides).stop().animate({opacity:0}, {duration: this.settings.duration, easing:this.settings.easing,complete:function(){ s.slides.css("z-index","1") s.slides.eq(index).css("z-index","3"); }} ); $(this.slides).eq(index).stop().animate( {opacity:1}, { duration : this.settings.duration, easing :this.settings.easing, complete :function(){ s.settings.onComplete($(s.slides).eq(index),index); }} ); }else { this.wrapper.stop().animate( obj, {duration: this.settings.duration, easing:this.settings.easing,complete:function(){ s.settings.onComplete($(s.slides).eq(index),index) } } ); } return this; }, jumping:function( no, manual ){ this.stop(); if( this.currentNo == no ) return; var obj = eval("({'"+this.directionMode[0]+"':-"+(this.maxSize*no)+"})"); this.onProcessing( null, manual, 0, this.maxSize ) .fxStart( no, obj, this ) .finishFx( manual ); this.currentNo = no; }, next:function( manual , item){ this.currentNo += (this.currentNo < this.slides.length-1) ? 1 : (1 - this.slides.length); this.onProcessing( item, manual, 0, this.maxSize ) .fxStart( this.currentNo, this.getObjectDirection(this.maxSize ), this ) .finishFx( manual ); }, previous:function( manual, item ){ this.currentNo += this.currentNo > 0 ? -1 : this.slides.length - 1; this.onProcessing( item, manual ) .fxStart( this.currentNo, this.getObjectDirection(this.maxSize ), this ) .finishFx( manual ); }, play:function( delay, direction, wait ){ this.stop(); if(!wait){ this[direction](false); } var self = this; this.isRun = setTimeout(function() { self[direction](true); }, delay); }, stop:function(){ if (this.isRun == null) return; clearTimeout(this.isRun); this.isRun = null; } }) })(jQuery)